Share the Music for Inclusive Education Project No.: 2021-1-EL-KA220-SCH-000032762
PROJECT COORDINATOR: EM-Th RDE, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Eastern Macedonia- Thrace, Greece

Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education- SMILE

SMILE introduces music as an effective and inclusive education tool

  • The main objective of this project is to help pre-primary and primary school teachers to effectively use music as a teaching and pedagogical tool for inclusive education
  • - Possibility of acquiring new knowledge through the 'SMILEs Teacher's Guide'.
    - Access to educational materials and ready-to-use tools for integration into teaching, by "SMILEs Repository".
    - Ability to acquire new skills by participating in asynchronous training "SMILEs Training", through SMILEs MOOCs.
    -Raise awareness among EU citizens about the effective integration of music into inclusive education.
    -Personal development at European level.

The project work program is conceived for the effective achievement of the following outputs:

  • A transnational survey on teachers' attitudes towards the use of music as a tool for inclusive education and the classification of needs for the material to be developed during the project.
  • A digital repository of songs, activities, methods and examples that can be used as an educational tool for inclusive education. The repository will also include activities, instructions, lesson plans, and music techniques that will help teachers effectively integrate music into their daily teaching
  • A guide including research on the relevance and importance of music in intercultural learning and inclusive education. It will include information on inclusive education and methods of integrating music into formal and non-formal education. The results of the PR1 needs analysis will be applied and the material from the PR2 Digital repository will be utilized.
  • The development of an online education designed as a MOOC, giving the opportunity to more teachers, from Europe and beyond, to be trained on how to use music in classrooms, in terms of inclusive education


  • Teachers Training LTTA in CYPRUS

    The ERASMUS+ project SMILE-Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education introduces music as an effective tool to inclusive teaching methods.

    On June 26th to 29th 2023, the Training activity for teachers of primary and pre-primary education took place in Nicosia, Cyprus as well as the Transnational meeting of the partners of the project. The Training was organised from the partner AMusEd, an organization that specializes in training children, youth and in-service teachers through Music, Drama and Dance.

    23 Selected teachers of the partner countries of the project (Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of East Macedonia and Thrace from Greece, A.MUS.ED. AMALGAMATE MUSIC EDUCATION LTD from Cyprus,  Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej -FRAME from Poland, UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA from Italy and Viksjöfors skola from Sweden), they had the opportunity to get to know the results developed in the project (SMILE Teacher's Guide, SMILEs Repository) and get to know practical applications of using music as an educational tool.

    Τhe Training activity included the following:

    1. The presentation of the general objectives and goals of the project,
    2. Training on the basic elements connected to music to its multicultural dimension. This training had the form of a workshop where the participants experienced the music in various forms. This helped the trainees to break any possible barriers of expressing themselves and experiencing new forms of art in order to reinforce their confidence to apply these methods in the classroom.
    3. Introduction on research that highlights the impact of music into the development of a more multicultural approach and acceptance of others.
    4. Workshop on some parts of the training modules. This was the part of the training where the participants challenged to explore the methods applied for inclusive education.
    5. Feedback and discussion. Trainees discussed their experience and give the feedback to the trainers, a procedure that will help the consortium develop the further PRs.

    The results of the project will soon be available to all teachers and interested parties at the program website


  • Pilot phase: Teachers participating in the training will also participate in the pilot phase. It will be conducted after the completion of PR1, PR2 and PR3 according to the instructions described (PR3 Teacher's Guide) and using the material (PR2 Digital Repository) proposed. At least 3 activities that will be implemented in their classroom, recorded and presented as good practices in the PR. Best practices will be recorded/recorded for the purposes of the PR4 MOOC.
    The teachers will give valuable feedback on the difficulties/challenges they faced in their classes during the implementation of the activities and the consortium will then proceed with improvements to the PRs.
  • Multiplication activity: Finally, teachers will be asked to share their experience during a multiplierevent, which will take place at the headquarters of each partner country.

Press releases & articles


Στη Σουηδία εκπαιδευτικοί για ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα....


Το SMILE εισάγει τη μουσική ως αποτελεσματικό εργαλείο εκπαίδευσης χωρίς αποκλεισμούς...


Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education – SMILE – är ett projekt för musik och lärande med tre nya partners!


SMILE – Wykorzystanie muzyki do nauczania włączającego w edukacji


Το έργο ERASMUS+ SMILE-Share the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education της ΠΔΕΑΜΘ....