Music Games on Songs

The Music Games with Songs category offers teachers a variety of ready-to-use materials from the Traditional Songs category. Designed around an array of songs from EU and other countries, these activities promote intercultural connections, fostering understanding and appreciation among all students. By incorporating these games, the classroom environment becomes inclusive, welcoming students from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, these interactive games add a fun and engaging element to the lessons, ensuring that students remain motivated and involved while learning and exploring various songs from different music cultures. As they expand their musical knowledge, students develop a profound appreciation for the richness and diversity of other music cultures, fostering a sense of unity and respect among peers.

Music games with songs

Song: Yianni mou to mantili sou

Form of the group: Students sit in a circle Props: Beanbags or paper formed in a ball
Country: Greece


Form of the group: Students stand in a circle numbered 1 -2 facing inside the circle.
Country: Greece

Song: Treis Elies tziai mia ntomata

Form of the group: walk free around the room and find a partner/s to do clapping game
Country: Cyprus

Song: Oulla Halalin sou

Form of the group: sitting on their desks or in a circle Props: two plastic cups
Country: Cyprus