Viksjöfors skola is located in distant isolated countryside. The school was founded more than 100 years ago (school buildings have changed over the years but the original building is still there). It is a primary school with 50 children, ages 6-12. The amount of students had a rapid increase due to high amount of arriving refugees in past years. The staff in the school (teachers and language assistants) are very much focused on the learning of curricular subjects with artistic expressions. Many pupils, as well among the village children as among the newly arrived refugees, have the benefit of alternative languages in learning (bodylanguage/expression via dance/achrobatics/parcour, music, film, art, drama/theater etc.).
The geografical area has low tradition of education due to early age in work within farming, forestry and factories (forest machinery and furniture). Girls tend to leave already at upper secondary level while boys tend to stay and stick to fishing/hunting, motor sports and computer activities. This is a reason for new mixed families (Asia-Swedish, Afro-Swedish).
Viksjöfors school has a dance school in the garden, 10m from house corner to house corner. It is not only the location but the spirit for artistic values in the village that gives artistic expressions a special value. Since 1989 the school and the dance school Viksjöforsbaletten act in cooperation. When dance teachers work in Viksjöforsbaletten they naturally are connected to the school kids as well in school hours as in after school activities. In this spirit there was developed a concept of approaching curricular subjects with cultural expressions.